Writing Alive: Strategies, Techniques and Materials

  10/25/2024 - 12/6/2024

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This course is especially designed for teachers instructing students in grades K- 12 in any subject area to provide exciting motivational strategies that encourage students to write.  With new curriculum mandates, daily specials, pull-outs, and precious time devoted to test preparation, the need for successful writing strategies is paramount. The succinct resource, Craft Lessons, will help the teacher in preparing lessons that address the various crafts of writers for students to emulate. This is what's included in the class: Accessing opportunities to learn new strategies that simplify writing for students along with creating and sharing lessons with others in the class.   Gaining new thinking about teaching elements of writing craft and the reading-writing connection.   Learning and implementing the AREA Approach, Readers' Theatre and RAFT that have been proven in classrooms to enhance writing ability. Receiving a packet of writing ideas.  Utilizing opportunities to enrich your own writing through memoirs. Viewing videos from the experts in writing including.  Reading and critiquing articles on writing including those published in educational journals by the presenter of the class.  Developing materials to strengthen the strategies.  IMPORTANT:  If there is a book listed for this course, participants are responsible for purchase. The Course Instructor will contact you via email with instructions on how to log-in to the course prior to OR on the start date.  REMEMBER TO CHECK THE WEBSITE PRIOR TO THE START DATE OF THE COURSE FOR CHANGES/UPDATES. The book utilized, Craft Lessons by Ralph Fletcher and Joanne Portalupi (Second Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1571107060) presents 95 lessons and a wealth of information for teaching leads, character, endings, stronger verbs, and much more.